Turn emails into next actions. Work on them by context.
ClearContext makes doing GTD in Outlook simple by providing tools that allow you to process incoming emails more quickly. Emails can be turned into tasks or appointments and the appropriate context added. (@call, @work, @someday, etc.)
Once the emails are turned into actions, the Dashboard makes it easy to see all these next actions grouped by context. The tasks include a text summary of the original email as well as a full copy as an attachment. The MessageContext also lists related messages and items for the task.

Process emails efficiently out of your Inbox. Actionable, for later or reference.
Move Someday/Maybe and Reference Materials out of your inbox by creating tasks with the appropriate context and putting them aside for review at a later time. When emails are turned into actions, they can also be automatically filed to a relevant project. Any remaining emails you want to keep can be cleared with one-click filing.
ClearContext can automatically move emails that are not actionable, but that you may want to review later. Autofile works out of the box with preset rules for the common non-urgent emails such as newsletters, promotions and updates from various websites, and lets you create your own rules. The Daily Digest provides a concise summary of automatically cleared emails.

Perform your weekly review effectively. Keep track of contexts and projects.
The Organizer allows for easy review and management of next actions with views on context, project or time. You can quickly add next actions for projects on your project list, promote ideas from your someday/maybe list or move tasks you are not ready for back to your someday/maybe list.
For working through the day, the Dashboard shows whats coming up next, with a summary by context or project. The details can also be opened with a view of tasks, and in the case of projects, also appointments, contacts, and attachments.

GTD® and Getting Things Done® are registered trademarks of David Allen
& Company.
ClearContext is not affiliated with David Allen &
Company in any way.