Quickly File to Suggested Folders

ClearContext automates the filing process, making it easier to identify and store messages by remembering where you previously filed email as well as suggesting folders based on your filing history.

project selector

File Msg files email to the listed folder

File Message to Folder indicates that you previously filed messages in this conversation to the displayed Project folder. File Suggestion indicates that this is a suggested folder. Shortcut Key: Alt-m


Press to see other filing choices

The File to other folder button opens other choices in the Project selector. Select a recently used folder or start typing to filter the full folder list. Hide or add additional suggestions using the links in the selector. Shortcut Key: CTRL-ALT-m


Thread files the entire conversation

File all messages from this conversation thread into the folder listed on the File Msg button. Shortcut Key: ALT-d


Undo the last message filed

If you accidentally filed a message, Undo will return it to the current folder. Shortcut Key: ALT-u


File Project files all messages in the current Project

Highlight a message with a Project assigned to it and select File Project from the ClearContext menu.  All messages in the current folder with this Project assigned to it will be filed.  This button can be added to the toolbar.

File Project

Jump To Folder opens a project folder

Select Jump to Folder from the ClearContext menu to quickly open a folder. This button can be added to the toolbar.

Jump Project



Change the Project selector width

Press the left or right double arrows to change the screen width of the selector. The narrowest size shows suggestions in one column, while the larger sizes display suggestions in two columns.


Change the number of suggestions or edit suggestions displayed

Click Options to configure the number of suggestions shown in the selector. If there is a suggestion listed that you would no longer like to be displayed, select Edit Suggestions.


Add/remove folders from available mail files

Click Folders to add or remove available mail files. Go to ClearContext > Options to add Public Folders and SharePoint Lists. Designate a Personal Folders file as your primary here as well. If all of your folders reside under a single folder (i.e. sub-folders of the Inbox) designate the Root folder for Filing and Projects here (i.e. /Inbox).


One-click filing

When you disable one-click filing via ClearContext > Options, ClearContext only shows a project in the File Msg button when previous messages in that conversation have been filed.

Disable one-click filing

Assign Project

To assign a project without filing, select Assign Project from the ClearContext tab/menu. You can also remove a project assignment with this button.

Save sent messages to project folders

When messages are moved to a Project

By default, ClearContext monitors projects folders and assigns that project to email conversations when messages appear there. Configure this behavior at ClearContext > Options > Projects Options.

Assign project when messages are moved

Category Synchronization

By default, ClearContext writes the Project name to the message Category field with Brackets around it. Turn this on/off and change options in Project Options.

project to category synchronization

Single Folder Filing

To file all messages to a single folder instead of individual project folders, select File all messages to root folder in ClearContext > Options. When you press any Filing button, ClearContext will assign the Project Category to the message and move it to the folder you specify.

project to category synchronization